MANUAL reconstitution instructions for 1 vial of NUCALA

For in-office administration of NUCALA, watch this video to learn how to reconstitute NUCALA manually.

  • transcript


    Reconstitution Instructions for NUCALA® (mepolizumab)

    This is an instructional video for the manual reconstitution of NUCALA® (mepolizumab).

    NUCALA should be reconstituted and administered by a healthcare professional.

    For additional information, please see full Prescribing Information at


    This is an instructional video for the manual reconstitution of NUCALA (mepolizumab).

    NUCALA should be reconstituted and administered by a healthcare professional.

    For additional information, please see full Prescribing Information at

    For the manual reconstitution of NUCALA, you will need the following items:

    ·     alcohol swabs

    ·     a vial of Sterile Water for Injection, USP

    ·     a 2- or 3-milliliter syringe and a 21-gauge needle

    ·     and a 100 milligram vial of NUCALA (mepolizumab)


    [labels for items]

    Sterile Water for Injection, USP

    NUCALA® (mepolizumab) 100 mg for subcutaneous use

    2 or 3 mL syringe and a 21-gauge needle are preferred.

    *Syringes, alcohol swabs and Sterile Water for Injection are not provided.



    Set the vial labeled NUCALA aside and uncap the vial of Sterile Water for Injection. Next, uncap the vial of NUCALA. Remove an alcohol swab from its packet and swab the top of the vial of NUCALA. Do the same for the vial of Sterile Water for Injection. For reconstitution, it is preferred that you use a 2- or 3-milliliter syringe and a 21-gauge needle. Insert the syringe into the vial of Sterile Water for Injection and withdraw 1.2 milliliters of Sterile Water for Injection.


    Withdraw 1.2 mL Sterile Water for Injection.


    Remove excess air from syringe. Verify the amount of Sterile Water for Injection in the syringe before inserting it into the vial of NUCALA.


    1.2 mL Sterile Water for Injection


    Insert the needle into the vial of NUCALA.


    NUCALA 100 mg for subcutaneous use


    Direct the stream of Sterile Water for Injection vertically onto the center of the lyophilized cake.


    Direct the stream of Sterile Water for Injection vertically onto the center of the lyophilized cake.


    Gently swirl the vial for 10 seconds with a circular motion at 15-second intervals until the powder is dissolved.


    Gently swirl the vial for 10 seconds with a circular motion at 15-second intervals until the powder is dissolved.


    Do not shake the reconstituted solution during the procedure as this may lead to product foaming or precipitation.


    Gently swirl the vial for 10 seconds with a circular motion at 15-second intervals until the powder is dissolved.

    Do not shake the reconstituted solution during the procedure as this may lead to product foaming or precipitation.


    After swirling the solution for 10 seconds, let it rest for 5 seconds and, if the powder is not completely dissolved, swirl the solution again in a circular motion for 10 seconds. Let the solution rest for another 5 seconds, and repeat the 15-second process until the powder has dissolved.

    Manual reconstitution of NUCALA is typically complete within 5 minutes after the Sterile Water for Injection has been added. It can, however, take additional time.


    Reconstitution is typically complete within 5 minutes after the Sterile Water for Injection has been added, but it may take additional time.


    Be sure to visually inspect the reconstituted solution for particulate matter and clarity before use.

    The solution should be clear to opalescent, colorless to pale yellow or pale brown, and essentially particulate-free.


    Visually inspect the reconstituted solution for particulate matter and clarity before use.

    The solution should be clear to opalescent and colorless to pale yellow or pale brown, essentially particle-free.


    Small air bubbles in the solution are to be expected and acceptable.

    If particulate matter remains in the solution, or if the solution appears cloudy or milky, the solution must not be administered.


    Small air bubbles in the solution are to be expected and acceptable.

    If particulate matter remains in the solution or if the solution appears cloudy or milky, the solution must not be administered.


    The reconstituted solution will contain a concentration of 100 milligrams/milliliter mepolizumab.

    DO NOT mix NUCALA with other medications.


    Small air bubbles in the solution are to be expected and acceptable.

    If particulate matter remains in the solution or if the solution appears cloudy or milky, the solution must not be administered.

    The reconstituted solution will contain a concentration of 100 mg/mL of NUCALA® (mepolizumab).



    Once reconstituted, NUCALA can be administered right away.

    In line with clinical practice, monitoring of patients after administration of biologic agents is recommended.

    If not used immediately after preparation, store the reconstituted solution of NUCALA at a temperature below 30° Celsius (86° Fahrenheit), but DO NOT freeze.

    Discard the solution if it has not been used within 8 hours of reconstitution.

    For additional information, please see the full Prescribing Information for NUCALA.


    Reconstitution Instructions for NUCALA® (mepolizumab)

    In line with clinical practice, monitoring of patients after administration of biologic agents is recommended.

    If not used immediately after preparation, store the reconstituted solution of NUCALA at a temperature below 30°C (86°F), but DO NOT freeze.

    Discard the solution if it has not been used within 8 hours of reconstitution.

    For additional information, please see full Prescribing Information for NUCALA.

    ©2017 GSK group of companies. All rights reserved. 818564R0 April 2017

Reconstituting NUCALA

NUCALA should be reconstituted by a healthcare professional. The reconstituted solution will contain a concentration of 100 mg/mL mepolizumab. Do not mix with other medications.

Ensure you have everything you need to reconstitute NUCALA:

  • 1 vial of NUCALA
  • Sterile Water (1.2 mL) for Injection, USP
  • A syringe (preferably 2 to 3 mL)
  • A needle (preferably 21 gauge)
NUCALA manual reconstitution step 1


Withdraw 1.2 mL of Sterile Water for Injection into the syringe.

Direct the stream of Sterile Water for Injection vertically onto the center of the lyophilized cake.

NUCALA manual reconstitution step 2


Gently swirl the vial for 10 seconds with circular motion at 15-second intervals until the powder is dissolved.

DO NOT SHAKE the reconstituted solution during the procedure because this may lead to product foaming or precipitation.

INSPECT the reconstituted solution. If particulate matter remains in the solution or if it appears cloudy or milky, the solution must not be administered.*

Manual reconstitution is typically complete ~5 minutes after the water has been added.

*The solution should be clear to opalescent, and colorless to pale yellow or pale brown, essentially particle free. Small air bubbles, however, are expected and acceptable.


If the reconstituted solution is not used immediately:

  • Store below 30°C (86°F)
    • Does not require refrigeration if stored below 30°C (86°F)
  • Do not freeze
  • Discard if not used within 8 hours of reconstitution


The recommended dose of NUCALA is 300 mg administered once every 4 weeks by subcutaneous (SC) injection as 3 separate 100-mg injections. Administer individual 100-mg injections at least 5 cm (approximately 2 inches) apart.

  • NUCALA lyophilized powder should be reconstituted and administered by a healthcare professional. Follow the instructions in the Prescribing Information for reconstitution.
  • Just before administration, remove 1 mL of reconstituted NUCALA (equivalent to 100 mg of mepolizumab) and administer SC injection into the upper arm, thigh, or abdomen. In line with clinical practice, monitoring of patients after administration of biologic agents is recommended.
Learn about at-home dosing and administration